You will receive tracking with your estimated delivery time. Delivery times start from the date of shipping (not the date of order). Delivery times are to be used as a guide only and are subject to the acceptance and approval of your order.
Please note once an order is shipped with the carrier it is beyond my control.
Unless there are exceptional circumstances, we make every effort to fulfill your order within 30 business days of the date of your order (with the exception of custom orders - please see FAQ for more details).
Business day are Monday to Friday, except holidays. Most order will be shipped Monday to Friday only and not on weekends or Holidays.
The date of delivery can vary due to carrier shipping practices, delivery location, method of delivery, and the items ordered. Please note that certain items may be delivered in separately.
lAll custom orders are final Sale. We will not accept returns or refund these items unless there is substantial damage in shipping. If this is the case please immediately document and send pictures and an email to
For all others items returns are available within 14 days of purchase. Please email us and ensure
Refunds: Please ensure that the shipping address you’ve provided is correct as I can not be held responsible for parcels lost in transit. We will also not refund if the address provided to us is incorrect.
If you realize the Address needs to be changed please contact us as soon as possible. However once an item has shipped you will be responsible for paying any additional shipping fees.